This weekend was a good one. I feel like Logan and I both live for the weekends these days. The weeks are full of school, work, tutoring, and homework so when we finally finish everything that we need to do on Saturday night we just like to party. This weekend included some much needed Inn N out, some yoga on the living room floor, a 5K race that donated all the proceeds to cancer research, Logan and his friend Corbin skating Provo Canyon, and a pretty pie crust on Sunday afternoon.
The older I get the more I understand how important it is to take care of not only my body but my mind as well. Logan and I were both raised with the understanding that physical exercise can greatly contribute to your happiness. We both participated in organized sports growing up, but these days we have been able to find what works for us individually. Since I started grad school I started exploring zumba, pilates, yoga, cycling, and running. I go through phases with all of these, but what I have come to realize is a good as these exercises are for my body they seem to greatly benefit my mind as well. I am currently taking a yoga class that gives me an opportunity twice a week to center myself and gain a greater understanding of what my body needs. At the end of every session we lay in savasana, which is where you basically lay on your back (it sounds way cooler in sand script). During this time we are encouraged to find our conscious breath I usually like to thank my body for all the things that it does for me. I think that in our culture especially as women we are constantly hating on our bodies. We curse it for not being tall enough, skinny enough, curvy enough, smooth enough, or strong enough. And believe me I do my fair share of this. But twice a week for a span of 5 minutes of pure peace and breathing I thank my body for what it does do for me. It is moments like that that allow me to start a week all over again and pour myself into school, work, tutoring and homework.