Ok so I have some catching up to do. I was taking some pictures on my camera when I found all of these. Some pictures from the Christmas break and weeks after. For Christmas we drove to California. Went to Disneyland with the Family and played around in the snowless weather. It was lots of fun. So play along if you would like as we catch up...
We babysat Mckay while Sean and Rachel got some stuff done. He is the cutest.

Mckay was helping Logan load the dish washer:)

In Balboa at the Beach House!

Milla's first time to Disneyland with Grandma.

Logan LOVED the "Captain EO" Tribute. We laughed the whole time. Classic.

Every time we go to Balboa it is tradition to go a chocolate covered banana.

Milla got a mini recliner for Christmas. It is officially her throne.

Thanks for Catching up with me.
Love, Tay