Friday, September 28, 2012

Giveaway at Pink Peonies... Bracelet goodness.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Babies:
Sometimes I wonder if I will ever love my own children as much as I love my nieces and nephews. Ever since they were born I have been obsessed with them. Maybe it is because they have little bits of my siblings in them that come out in full force when you are not expecting it. When we were in SLO during August I got to spend some quality time with Milla and Mckay. They are so close in age, but could not be more different. Milla is this crazy little spit fire and Mckay is a sweet, loving, and ACTIVE little boy. They are going through the phase right now when sharing is a little difficult. You wake up in the morning to the word "MINE!" being shouted back in forth. But every once in a while you witness the tender moments when they will hug each other or get so excited that the other one is coming back to the house.
I think my love for these little babies branches from my love for my siblings. I know that everyone has varying types of relationships with their families, but I don't think I could get through any of life's challenges without knowing that my siblings were going to be right be my side. I am lucky enough to talk to them at least 4 times a week if not everyday. I know that I am who I am because of their influence in my life whether it be good or bad:) Our family might be crazy, but it is nice knowing that no matter what happens to me, my siblings will be right by my side no matter what.
I can not wait to watch our children develop the type of relationships with their siblings that I have with mine. There is bound to be some screaming, wrestling, and hair pulling, but in there someone will be unbreakable friendships.


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Mid State Fair Part 2:
More fair pics!!!! A couple of my favorites are the giant turkey leg and the little cowboy. Someday I will go back to that magical place called the fair.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Mid State Fair Part 1:
A couple days after we came home from Ethiopia my family took us to the Fair. Unfortunatly Logan could come because he was off on a boys trip sailing around the Channel Islands, but he missed out on chocolate covered bacon. I loved going to the Fair with my whole family. We ate shaved ice, chocolate covered bacon, deep fried snickers, and EVERYTHING else. We also got to see the piggies and the horsies. Miss the fair already.


Saturday, September 22, 2012

A brunch with Stacey

This morning I went to Stacey's birthday brunch. She just turned 23 and is as cute as ever. It was so much funny hanging out with the girls and celebrating our Friend. I love you Stace I hope this year is all you hope it to be:)


Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In the last week I have:
- Read my textbooks till I fell asleep on them.
- Made homemade chocolate ice cream with Logan.
- Sewed my very own curtains for our living room and bedroom.
- Gone to the gym twice in 24 hours with my girl Stace.
- Walked across the street to the grocery store 3 times in one day.
- Scoured my house for change so I could go pick up a Diet Coke.
- Had an anxiety attack because some girl was eating carrots during a lecture at school.
- Made Rolo cookies and ate half a bag of the Rolos.
- Cleaned the floor underneath my oven.
- Had multiple dreams about Freudian Psychotherapy.
- Been blessed with the kindest husband in the world.

Love, Tay

Monday, September 17, 2012

Last Ethiopia post! These pictures were taken on our last day in the country. We became friends with a super sweet couple and their cutie baby. We would go over to their house every Wednesday night and enjoy some super tasty Ethiopian food. If Logan loves one thing about Ethiopia it is the Juice. They make the best juice in the world and Logan drank it every day for lunch. The morning before we got on the plane we ran around and took pictures of the wonderful things that we were going to miss. Goodbye Ethiopia, we will miss you.

Love, Tay