^^^I made Logan send me of a picture of himself before his very first interview^^^
^^^My mom sent me home with some succulents, which I am obsessed with^^^
^^^While interviewing at USC and UC Irvine Logan found some time to hit up the happiest place on earth with Relda^^^

^^^Football craziness^^^
^^^Friends and BYU Football^^^
^^^We attended every BYU girls soccer game this season, even in the rain^^^
^^^Logan interviewed at the Mayo Clinic and became obsessed with the school^^^
^^^At the Industrial Sublime exhibit at the Moa^^^
^^^Taking a look at Lake Powell on our way to Logan's University of Arizona interview^^^
^^^Logan outside of the White House, while interviewing at Georgetown^^^
While Logan was gone every week I would spend my weekends cramming for school and hanging out with my wonderful friends. We would go to the football games, go to lunch, and watch movies. I did spend multiple Sunday night watch Pride and Prejudice trying to distract myself from missing Logan, but if you know anything about Jane Austen you would know that it was a failed attempt:) Logan and I have never felt more blessed for the wonderful opportunities that we have been provided with. It is amazing to see all of Logan's hard work pay off.
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