A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Can't you see how happy everyone is there?
Friday, June 25, 2010
Panda Express comes to IDAHO!
Once upon a time there was a magical place called Panda Express. And it just came to IDAHO!!!!!!!!!!!! Sean, Rachel, Mckay, and I took our first trip today and decided to document all the glory:)

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Can't you see how happy everyone is there?

A little bit of this and a little bit of that. Can't you see how happy everyone is there?
Utah with the Girlzzzz
Last weekend we all went to Utah for Megan's Bridal Shower!!!! She is getting married August 14th and she is so excited. Saturday morning we had a beautiful shower and then went and played in the Utah sun allllll day!
Megan, John and their friends!
The warm weather loves me and I love it. I am having a love affair with the sun:)
BYE BYE Jamie, Patrick, and Conner Boy!
My sister Jamie lives in Rexburg with her husband Patrick and their CUTIE little boy Conner. Unfortunately they are moving to away from Rexburg and it makes me sad. The day before they were moving they needed someone to watch Conner so they could pack, clean, and pack their truck. Conner and I went to the park and back to my place for a bit. We had some fun spending one last day together in Rexburg.
Love Him:)
The night before they left town we all got together to have some Lasagna and say goodbye. When I first came up to college I realized how important it was to have family around. I am so lucky to have people that love me and will help me whenever I need them. I will miss you Jamie, Patrick, and Conner Boy!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Playing Catch up with the Thomas'
This past winter semester Logan and I were apart... surprising I know. He was attending BYU while I was in Rexburg going to BYU-Idaho. The distance was killer of course, but we had some amazing times and thought we might share some of them with you...
Here we went to a cocktail party! We love to dance...and climb Thor the BYU-Idaho Mascot!
Just going to see Elder Ballard at a BYU-Idaho Fireside! Logan worked so hard to make it possible for me to shake his hand. He is so nice to me:)
Engagement weekend. You can tell by our faces that we are on top of the world. I remember I couldn't stop looking at my Chocolate ring. It was kind of embarrassing, but kind of not. You only get engaged once right?!?!
Tie Dye Birthday weekend! Logan took me out to Texas Road House. One of my Favorite places. My friends even made me an honorary Jedi. What more could a girl ask for?
Conference weekend. We love conference and it is especially amazing when we can spend it together.
Even though Logan and I couldn't spend the Winter semester together. We still had some amazing experiences and learned so much. Nothing can keep us apart, not even distance:)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Engagement Pictures!
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Africa We Miss You
Logan and I have both had the opportunity to spend time in the beautiful Continent of Africa. An African sunset is unlike any other and we miss them very much.
Logan was called to serve in the Uganda Kampala Mission. He started in the MTC in South Africa and then moved up to Uganda where he spend 18 months of his mission serving the people and falling in love with Africa. He spend the last 6 months in Ethiopia where the church was still young and growing. The people of Uganda and Ethiopia were so lucky to have Logan as a missionary. He loves the Lord so much and had an amazing mission because of it.
Logan in front of a church in Ethiopia. The Ethiopian Language is crazy and makes no sense to me, but he seems to understand it.
Logan carrying water for some children. What a wonderful guy:)

This picture is my favorite. A baptism in Ethiopia. You can tell that the spirit is so strong just from the picture. Logan accomplished so much on his mission and changed so many lives. His mission will forever bless our lives.

I began my journey in Africa with an NGO call Help-International. I lived in a little town in Uganda called Lugazi. We built energy saving stoves, built square foot gardens, worked in orphanages, did aids awareness, and taught business concepts. In the 4 months that I spent there we traveled all around Uganda and spend a week in Rwanda. It was one of the best experiences on my life. I learned so much about the world and about myself.

The Great African Rift. This was the hardest hike of my life, but it was covered in beautiful plants and waterfalls.

The best part about going to Africa is that is really connected Logan and I. We have such a passion for that beautiful place and the amazing people who live there. I find that we talk at least once a week about how much we miss it and when we are going back. Africa we love you and miss you and will return soon.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Exactly 2 Months from Today...
2 months from today on August 7th I am going to marry my best friend. Logan and I are getting married at the LA Temple. All of our family and closest friends will be there to share this wonderful day with us. Planning a wedding was much harder then I thought. Luckily I have my mom Kimala and my sister Tani to help out. They have been so wonderful in making all of the decisions for me since I am stuck up here in dreary Rexburg. I will never be able to repay them for everything they have done and continue to do for this fabulous wedding.
Logan and I are so excited to start out new life together. August 7th here we come!!!