This weekend has been amazing. I was complaining about the sun not coming out but what I realized was that when Logan came to town I felt like I was surrounded by sunshine 24/7. He really does complete my life in a way that no one else does. He arrived on Thursday night and so I still had to go to classes on Friday, but Logan came with me to everysingle one off them. Here is my favorite dinosaur in the Romney building. I have yet to name him, but he greets me every morning on my way to class.

Taking a break in the crossroads for some food:)

On Saturday Rachel and Sean invited us over to their house for Sean's famous French Toast. We now call it San Luis Saturday!

Sean and Kenith!

Logan and I got the CUTIEST apartment at Cambridge Court for the fall. He hadn't seen it yet so we did a walk through. Then we ran over to #123 which is the one that we will be moving into for the fall and took some pictures next to our new apartment. Trying not to freak out the people who are currently living there right now. shhhhhhh.

A trip to the nature park was definitely needed since Logan loves chasing the duckies.


Colorful Bracelets for Colorful people

Logan got an assistant in chasing the ducks.

You might notice that Logan has some serious facial hair in this picture. He is currently trying to win a mustache contest back in California. I am so proud of my man and his competitive spirit.

We were taking a walk through the trees when we found a kitty stuck in a tree! I almost had a heart attach and begged Logan to get it out and save it for me. 
He helped the kitty for me:)

Awkward jumping pictures are the best.

Couldn't get enough of the jumping madness.

Taylor: "Ok Im going to run and jump and I want you to catch me!" Logan:"Uhhhh ok."
And this is what happened....
Flying through nature.
Just eating some hot and ready on my way to the Movie. Logan thought it was hilarious.
A Good bye sunset at the temple.
I am so lucky that I have Logan in my life. Who would take off work and fly from California to Idaho just to surprise me. He really gave me the sunshine I needed to keep going in school and endure until we get to be together in August. Our time together is so precious to me.
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