I am very excited for this weekend. I signed up for Bountiful Baskets! I can't wait till I get to pick up all my fruits, veggies, and 9 grain bread tomorrow:) Tonight it is date night with Logan and I find myself thinking about what I am going to wear to impress him. I feel like we are dating again. I wonder if this will ever wear off. I would be ok if it didn't. We are going to the temple, dinner, and a movie. Tomorrow is going to be a treat as well. After we pick up our goodies we are going to a family BRUNCH! With Sean's famous french toast, maple sausage, all kinds of fruit, juice, and hot cocoa. I love brunch and it is even better when I get to hang with my fam. I am hoping that the sun will shine a bit this weekend so Logan and I can finally get some color. If not we will just have to wait until we go to Costa Rica. The semester is slowly winding down and I am almost a college grad. I CANNOT wait until graduation time. But for now I am just going to focus on my hot date with my husband and a lovely Saturday Brunch with my favorite people. Have a great Weekend!

Love, Tay
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