Tuesday, September 18, 2012

In the last week I have:
- Read my textbooks till I fell asleep on them.
- Made homemade chocolate ice cream with Logan.
- Sewed my very own curtains for our living room and bedroom.
- Gone to the gym twice in 24 hours with my girl Stace.
- Walked across the street to the grocery store 3 times in one day.
- Scoured my house for change so I could go pick up a Diet Coke.
- Had an anxiety attack because some girl was eating carrots during a lecture at school.
- Made Rolo cookies and ate half a bag of the Rolos.
- Cleaned the floor underneath my oven.
- Had multiple dreams about Freudian Psychotherapy.
- Been blessed with the kindest husband in the world.

Love, Tay


  1. chocolate ice cream was divine
    diet coke and rolos are perfect
    AND come clean the floor underneath my oven????

  2. hahahaha literally dying laughing about the carrots.
