Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Today I have been feeling overwhelmingly grateful for Logan. He is such a wonderful man. Logan is constantly doing things for me to show me that he loves me. He puts up with my crazy, eats everything I cook with a smile, wakes me up with a kiss every morning, watches the movie that I want to watch on weekends, finds ways for me to get my chinese food fix while still staying in budget, when we camp he goes with me to pee outside at night because I forgot my head lamp, he cooks dinner when I am feeling sick, he rubs my head when I have a migrane, he makes me breakfast every morning, he holds my hand whenever it is free, he books flights to Costa Rica just to fullfill my life dream of traveling, he works hard in school so that he can provide for our family, he comes to my work everyday so that we can eat lunch together, he comes to pick me up from class just because I don't want to walk all the way across campus in the wind, he laughs at my jokes, he does the laundry because I hate it, he goes with me to grocery store so that I don't have to go alone, he suprises me by cleaning the house on Saturday mornings, he lets me decorate the house however I want, he encourages me to go to Grad School and live my dream, he recycles because it is important to us, he communicates with me and never goes to bed mad, he looks me in the eyes and tells me that he loves me, he is a worthy priestood holder, and most of all Logan respects me and never makes me feel inferior to him.
Logan is by far the most selfless person I have ever met. He is constantly thinking of others and always putting himself last. He is kind and loving and I think everyday about how I don't deserve him. I just hope that I can show Logan everyday how much I love and appreciate all that he does. Thanks Logan for being my best friend.

Logan on his mission in Ethiopia

Love, TAy

Monday, May 30, 2011


We got back today from our weekend trip to Island Park. We spent a couple nights in the cutest cabin I have ever seen. Island park is quite a bit colder then Rexburg. It rained/snowed on and off all weekend. We didn't have running water because the pipes we frozen so we did "everything" outside. haha It was super fun. When it came to washing dishes we would gather snow from outside, heat it up on the stove and wash the dishes. So snow is good for one thing I guess. We ate, played games, watched movies, walked outside, fed fish, went fishing, and relaxed. It was a great weekend. Thanks Carly and Jeremy!

Fishies on the wall!

super cool staircase that I loved

Movie Time

Settlers Before...

Settlers After...

A cute moose we saw on the way home

This is my Husband

Love, Tay

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cabin, Bread, and So Forth

This weekend Logan and I are going to a cabin in Island Park with our friends Carly and Jeremy. I have had 3 Major tests this week and a huge project due. I have barely been able to focus because of my exploding excitement. Cabins always remind me of card games, diet coke, warm breakfasts in the morning, waking up with the sun, and poker. We love camping and being outdoors so this weekend is going to be awesome. After living in Rexburg for awhile I have determined that you just need to get out every once in awhile. This town is little and cute, but it can sometimes make you feel cooped up. So driving the one hour to beautiful Island Park is theraputic in a way...I don't know maybe I am just crazy.
P.S. On Wednesday morning I made the baked oatmeal. You guys have to try it. It's super tasty and it makes a ton so you can have it for the following mornings too. Also last night I made my FIRST french bread baguette! It was the craziest process ever, but it acutally tasted really good. I used our bread machine for the first time ever and it showed. I was freaking out at it's crazy noises only to figure out that I didn't put the pan in right. Then when I got home I looked in the little top window to find the bread only half kneaded and looking kind of ugly. I pulled it our and kneaded it by hand spilling flour everywhere. Then finally when it was all golden brown coming out of the oven. I drop it on the kitchen floor (I know what you are thinking I dropped it on the ground and then ate it? The answer is yes.) If I have figured one thing out during my cooking/baking endevors I have found that I am not graceful in the kitchen. I am yelling, saying things under my breath and overall speaking harshly to my projects which are inanimate objects. Maybe my craziness in the kitchen will pass and maybe it won't. I can say one thing though I am grateful for a wonderful husband that puts up with my crazy. Love you Log:)
Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend and enjoy the time off!

Love, Tay

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Things I am dying to make

Here are some of the dishes that I have been dying to make lately. Oh course with school and work it is difficult to find time to whip up something spectacular, but I am bound and determined to make a few of this oh so delicious recipes. Take a look at my current obsessions...

Flourless chocolate and cream cheese marble cake... ridiculous Cooking for Seven

Fruit on the bottom baked oatmeal...With the heavy cream please. Cooking for Seven

Butter Chicken and Naan. Logan and I LOVE spicy indian food:) Sips and Spoonfuls

Nutella Doughnuts. One of my teachers said I could come over to his house and use his deep fryer. Logan and I are super excited for a night full of doughnuts. Sips and Spoonfuls

Herb Bread. Bread is my weakness. Joy the Baker

Love, Tay

Friday, May 20, 2011

Worshipping the Sun

Last Saturday was a beautiful sunny day. Logan and I being true California's live for the sun. Where we live it is 65 degrees and sunny on Christmas day and we love it. We don't take very well to winter, but we stick it out. Of course Saturday was a day of homework like always, but we just couldn't be cooped up in the house all day so we decided to be in the sun. We live on the first floor and we have a nice little fenced in grass area in the back of our apartment. So Logan kicked out the screen and we hopped out the window so we could lay out. We had all the necessities, Horkleys, pretzels, books, and sunglasses. It was so warm and sunny. I wish everyday was a sunny day:)

Logan getting ready to study Anatomy

Logan climbing back into the house in his 80s swim suit.

Sunny time=Happy time

Love, Tay

Monday, May 16, 2011

Cinnamon Sugar Goodness

On Sunday morning I made this Cinnamon Sugar pull apart bread. It was super tasty. It wasn't till I was in the middle of making it that I realized that I didn't have a rolling pin. Becca came to my rescue as she usually does when I need a rolling pin or foil:) This recipe is easy, but very time consuming so be ware. Logan enjoyed it though. Right when he got home from Ward Council we dug in. I really recommend it. It is super good with a cup of hot cocoa!

Recipe from Joy the Baker

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Learning more about Each other

On Monday night Logan and I did our regular Family Home Evening routine. At the end of the lesson Logan suggested that we do an exercise out of one of our books. It is called Seven Principles for Making a Successful Marriage by Dr. Gottman. It has been one of my favorite marriage books. When Logan and I were engaged we would read it alot together to try and prepare ourselves for what Marriage as going to be like. It has a section on getting to know your partner better.
On Monday we answered True or False questions. Some of them were:
I know who my spouses best friends are. T or F
I know what stresses my spouse if struggling with right now. T or F
I know what my spouses life dreams are. T or F
I know what my spouses philosophy of life is. T or F
We learned so much more about each other. I realized on Monday night that I will never fully know everything about Logan, but I can't wait to spend the rest of my life getting to know him.

I really recommend this book. We love it.

Love, Tay

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers DAy Kimala!

Happy Mothers DAy mom! I love you so much and I am grateful for everything that you have done for me. Have a fabulous day and know that I am thinking of you:)

Kimala and I when I was in 6th grade.

Love, Tay

Friday, May 6, 2011

The escape of the Traditional Woman

Last week I got the cooking/baking bug. I think it was the traditional woman insided me that I supress regularly, but escapes every once in a while. So Saturday I felt like making this cake. It is a homemade devils food cake. It was super easy and lots of fun. I made two layers, frosted it, and topped with some fresh strawberries. It was really yummy and Logan and our friends loved it. I am not what you would call one of those natural bakers. My friend Micheala came over on Wednesday and we made a billion cookies. Logan called them crackers because they were a little flatter then the average cookie. So as you can see making this homemade cake was somewhat of an accomplishment for me.
On Sunday we had some friends over for dessert. Logan made about 30 crepes. He was so good at it. I tried to make one and turned out aweful. My confidence was at a low so Logan took over and turned out to be a master crepe maker. Our friends Jamie and Brent made homemade ice cream too. So we stuffed crepes with strawberries, whip cream, ice cream, and oreo crumbs. It was as good as it sounds I promise.
I have decided to try to make something new every week. This week it will be macadamia brownies. Hopefull I won't burn down the kitchen... Keep you posted!

My cake! Isn't it cutie?

Love, Tay

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Afternoon with Makall

As most of you know Makall just moved to Illinois. She has been one of my dearest friends for about 4 years now. I first met her when we were moving into the our very first college apartment. I had no idea that my new roommate Makall would become one of the best friends I have ever had. Makall has such a sweet nature and I am so happy I can call her my friend. She left last Thursday so on Wednesday we decided to meet up half way in Idaho Falls. We chatted in Starbucks, walked around the mall, ate some Subway, and played with Hailey. Makall is such a great friend, wife, and mom. She really makes me want to be a better person. Makall I will miss you while you are away for the summer. Remember we will be living next door to each other in San Diego someday... I miss you and I mean it;)

Love, Tay