P.S. On Wednesday morning I made the baked oatmeal. You guys have to try it. It's super tasty and it makes a ton so you can have it for the following mornings too. Also last night I made my FIRST french bread baguette! It was the craziest process ever, but it acutally tasted really good. I used our bread machine for the first time ever and it showed. I was freaking out at it's crazy noises only to figure out that I didn't put the pan in right. Then when I got home I looked in the little top window to find the bread only half kneaded and looking kind of ugly. I pulled it our and kneaded it by hand spilling flour everywhere. Then finally when it was all golden brown coming out of the oven. I drop it on the kitchen floor (I know what you are thinking I dropped it on the ground and then ate it? The answer is yes.) If I have figured one thing out during my cooking/baking endevors I have found that I am not graceful in the kitchen. I am yelling, saying things under my breath and overall speaking harshly to my projects which are inanimate objects. Maybe my craziness in the kitchen will pass and maybe it won't. I can say one thing though I am grateful for a wonderful husband that puts up with my crazy. Love you Log:)
Have a wonderful Memorial Weekend and enjoy the time off!

Love, Tay
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