Monday, April 18, 2011


Logan and I just got back from out trip to California. It was so much fun being with our families and knowing that we didn't have any homework. I am always so bad at taking pictures when I am home because I am distracted by all the fun things to do. I did get a few pictures in though. We had so much fun, but we are happy to be back home in Idaho... Now we are ready for a new semester. My last one!!! What did you do over the break? Quick summary of the pictures below. We had lunch at Guss's our favorite outdoor lunch spot. Milla was attacking her sun chips. She is sooo cute. Then we brought Tani Doughnuts for her birthday. Logan and I were singing out "Doughnut Time" song. We also went to the beach where we had a typical day at the beach. Logan surfs till he can't anymore and I lay on the sand and get burned to a crisp. Logan found a sand dollar for me which is in our house and leaving sand everywhere which I love! I also perfected my age old skill of making a turban out of my t-shirt. Cute I know.

Love, Tay


  1. ahaaahaha that t-shirt turban just made my day.
    love you.

  2. Oh these pics are so cute! It looks like so much fun! Wish I was on a beach right now.

  3. how and why are you so cool. I want to be like you when I grow up. Love you and miss you but see you soon..
